Sunday, September 11, 2016

Kali Linux : Touchpad issues - tapping, reverse/natural scrolling

Since I've started using Kali Linux, I have often encountered problems with my touchpad. The problem can either be with tapping (tapping the touchpad doesn't result in a click, and I have to press the physical button), or with scrolling (two finger scrolling doesn't work).

I have come across the following 3 fixes. At least one of them should work for you-

Fix 1: Easiest - GUI setting

This fix requires no fancy commands. You just have to go to Mouse & Touchpad settings and make appropriate changes. To go to the settings, you can either-
  • Press the windows key (on the lower bottom, Ctrl key, Function key, Windows key, Alt key), and type mouse in the search bar that shows up.
  • Click the activities button on the top left, and type mouse in the search bar that shows up.

Now, you should see something like this-

You can check the tap to click and two finger scroll options and your problem is solved.

If, however, you see something like this-

Then you have to use the next fixes, as the Mouse and Touchpad setting are useless for you.

Fix 2 : Tapping and reverse Scroll

If you are able to scroll just fine, but your touchpad is not registering the taps, then just type this command into the terminal-
synclient tapbutton1=1
This should enable tapping for you.

In my case, I had scrolling working without any problems, but I prefer natural scrolling, and that option wasn't there for me in mouse & touchpad settings. However, if you type synclient into the terminal, you see something like this-

    Parameter settings:
        LeftEdge                = 1618
        RightEdge               = 5366
        TopEdge                 = 1356
        BottomEdge              = 4536
        FingerLow               = 25
        FingerHigh              = 30
        MaxTapTime              = 180
        MaxTapMove              = 251
        MaxDoubleTapTime        = 100
        SingleTapTimeout        = 180
        ClickTime               = 100
        EmulateMidButtonTime    = 75
        EmulateTwoFingerMinZ    = 282
        EmulateTwoFingerMinW    = 7
        VertScrollDelta         = 114
        HorizScrollDelta        = 114
        VertEdgeScroll          = 0
        HorizEdgeScroll         = 0
        CornerCoasting          = 0
        VertTwoFingerScroll     = 1
        HorizTwoFingerScroll    = 0
        MinSpeed                = 1
        MaxSpeed                = 1.75
        AccelFactor             = 0.035014
        TouchpadOff             = 0
        LockedDrags             = 0
        LockedDragTimeout       = 5000
        RTCornerButton          = 0
        RBCornerButton          = 0
        LTCornerButton          = 0
        LBCornerButton          = 0
        TapButton1              = 1
        TapButton2              = 0
        TapButton3              = 0
        ClickFinger1            = 1
        ClickFinger2            = 1
        ClickFinger3            = 1
        CircularScrolling       = 0
        CircScrollDelta         = 0.1
        CircScrollTrigger       = 0
        CircularPad             = 0
        PalmDetect              = 0
        PalmMinWidth            = 10
        PalmMinZ                = 200
        CoastingSpeed           = 20
        CoastingFriction        = 50
        PressureMotionMinZ      = 30
        PressureMotionMaxZ      = 160
        PressureMotionMinFactor = 1
        PressureMotionMaxFactor = 1
        GrabEventDevice         = 0
        TapAndDragGesture       = 1
        AreaLeftEdge            = 0
        AreaRightEdge           = 0
        AreaTopEdge             = 0
        AreaBottomEdge          = 0
        HorizHysteresis         = 28
        VertHysteresis          = 28
        ClickPad                = 0

You can quickly notice the VertScrollDelta (delta usually refers to rate of change, here speed of scrolling) parameter which for me is set to 114. I decided to check if making it -114 would make it scroll at the same speed but in the opposite direction. To test that, I tried the following command-
synclient VertScrollDelta=-114
And turns out I was right and it did reverse the direction of scrolling.

Little problem

These changes that we made aren't persistent, and the synclient setting would revert to default every time you start your system again. There are many solutions to this, one of which include editing files in /usr/share/X11/xorg.conf.d/. However, these files tend to get overwritten and we have to deal with a lot of other mess to fix that behavior.

Instead, we will use a very simple solution, and just run the above two commands on system startup.

Add the commands to startup

Step 1 : Navigate to the .config directory
cd ~/.config/
Step 2 : Check if autostart folder exists
Step 3: If it doesn't exist, create the folder. If it exists, skip this step
mkdir autostart
Step 4: Navigate to autostart folder
cd autostart
Step 5: Use your favorite text editor [vim v/s/ sublime text?] (or cat ). I'm using leafpad to make things look less intimidating.
leafpad script.desktop
Step 6: A leafpad windows will pop up. Paste one of the following into the window and then save and then close leafpad.
If you are logged in as root (probably the case)
[Desktop Entry]

If you are logged in as another user (if you created a non-superuser account)
[Desktop Entry]
Exec=/home/<name here>/

Note 1 : To find the <name here> in second case, just navigate to home (cd ~) and find present working directory (pwd)
Note 2 : (If you're curious why I didn't use ~ and instead made two different scripts for root and other users) Exec=~/ didn't work for me. Maybe it does work in general, and there was some other factor in play for me, or maybe it isn't supposed to work at all. Not sure. Any comments in this regard are welcome.

Step 7: Change directory to home.
cd ~
Step 8: Create a file called
Step 9: Paste the following code into it. Then save.

synclient tapbutton1=1 #To enable tapping
synclient VertScrollDelta=-114 #To reverse direction of scroll
PS: Paste only the lines required by you.

Step 10: Make it executable
chmod 777
chmod a+x
Restart Kali and see if your tapping and reverse scroll are still working. If not, go through the steps again and see what you missed. Everything is case sensitive so you have to be very careful in that regard.


If typing the commands into the terminal worked for you, but automation by adding the commands to startup didn't, then here is one simple troubleshooting tip to isolate the problem.

Open a terminal and type
If your tapping/reverse scrolling is working fine now, then your script is fine, but the autostart directory content is not. Recheck steps 1 to 6.
If your tapping/reverse scrolling isn't working fine, then your script is flawed. Recheck step 7 to 10.

Fix 3 : modprobe method

I found out about this method here. It did fix a few things for me, but like the second reply on the thread, what happened with me was- 

Earlier my scroll was working and tap to click wasn't
After running the commands
Tap to click started working and two finger scroll stopped working

Also, even when my scroll was working it wasn't natural scroll and that's a bit inconvenient for me. So, Fix 2 above was the best fix for me. However, I've included this fix because it seems to work with most people. So here it is- 

Step 1 : Open a terminal. 
Step 2 : Type the following command. Your mouse pointer will stop working after typing the first command and will resume continue working (hopefully with the touchpad problems solved) after the second.
modprobe -r psmouse 
modprobe psmouse proto=imps


Follow these steps-

Step 1 : Navigate to required directory
cd /etc/modprobe.d/
Step 2 : Open text editor
leafpad whatever.conf
Step 3:  Paste this-
options psmouse proto=imps

Step 4: Save and exit

Restart and see if the changes are persistent. 

Again, I reiterate, this method is based on a fix I found on Kali Forums, and you should read further there if you are facing any problems.

That said, if you are facing any problems, then feel free to comment. If you followed the guide but had to do something a bit different to get it working, then also comment, as it may help others.


  1. or try this its worked for me...

    apt remove xserver-xorg-input-synaptics

    1. How would removing this package fix the problem?

    2. before i did upgrade for package for this i got a problem in sysytem and once i fixed it i found out my touchepad settings is gone,,, so i should remove it. before this command i had to check out what kind a pakg i have with this .... dpkg -l |grep xserver-xorg-input

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  12. Kali Linux users facing touchpad issues, including problems with tapping, reverse/natural scrolling, can resolve them through adjusting touchpad settings or installing compatible drivers for their hardware.

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  15. Abogado de Accidentes de Semi Camiones
    The article 'Kali Linux: Touchpad Issues - Tapping, Reverse/Natural Scrolling' offers clear and practical solutions for common touchpad issues. It provides clear explanations for the root causes and includes step-by-step screenshots or visuals for better usability. The article's length is suitable, offering comprehensive solutions without overwhelming readers. However, a troubleshooting section could be beneficial for cases where the provided solutions may not work. A concluding section encouraging users to share their experiences or seek further assistance in relevant forums or communities would be more satisfying. The article emphasizes the importance of keeping software and drivers updated to prevent recurring touchpad issues. It also suggests linking to official Kali Linux support resources or forums for further assistance. A brief overview of touchpad settings and options available in Kali Linux could be helpful. Overall, the article serves as a valuable troubleshooting guide, with potential for added usability through visuals and troubleshooting tips.

  16. The touchpad is snappy with a precise tapping function, boosting user experience. Some users may find the transition to natural or reverse scrolling to be challenging because of the unfamiliar direction of movement. run 3

  17. We'll discuss common touchpad issues, including issues with tapping and reverse/natural scrolling, as well as how to fix them, in this Kali Linux tutorial. When running Kali Linux, many users have these difficulties, but with a few tweaks, you may improve your touchpad settings for a more user-friendly experience........ Divorce Lawyers Loudoun VA
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  18. Abogado de Lesiones Accidentes Camiones Touchpad issues in Kali Linux can be a common issue, requiring configuration adjustments and fine-tuning of touchpad behavior. Users may encounter tapping issues, which may require configuration adjustments, and confusion when switching between reverse and natural scrolling. The Synaptics touchpad driver may also need configuration. Advanced users may resort to command-line tweaks to modify touchpad settings. Community solutions, such as forums and communities, can provide valuable tips and solutions for touchpad issues. GUI tools may be available for touchpad configuration, but they may vary by desktop environment. Issues may also vary depending on the laptop's hardware and the specific Kali Linux version. Personal preferences also play a significant role in touchpad behavior.

  19. Addressing touchpad tapping issues on Kali Linux proved to be a seamless process with the right troubleshooting steps. Following the provided guide, I was able to navigate the system with ease and efficiency. The comprehensive explanations and clear instructions made the entire process user-friendly, even for those with limited technical expertise. The solutions provided not only rectified the problem but also enhanced the overall user experience on Kali Linux. This guide is a valuable resource for anyone encountering touchpad issues on the platform, offering effective solutions to ensure smooth navigation.
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  20. Wow, I can totally relate to your touchpad issues! Tapping, reverse/natural scrolling problems can be so frustrating and make using a laptop or a touchpad a real hassle. I've encountered similar problems in the past, and it's definitely not a pleasant experience.
    Have you tried adjusting the touchpad settings on your device? Many laptops allow you to customize the touchpad behavior to suit your preferences. You might find options to disable tapping or adjust the sensitivity of your touchpad in the settings menu.
    If adjusting the settings didn't help, it's worth checking for any driver updates for your touchpad. Sometimes outdated drivers can cause these issues. Visit the manufacturer's website to see if there are any new driver versions available for download.
    In some cases, using an external mouse can provide a temporary workaround until you find a permanent solution.
    I hope these tips prove helpful to you! Don't give up - touchpad issues can usually be resolved with a little troubleshooting.

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    The article "Kali Linux: Touchpad Issues - Tapping, Reverse/Natural Scrolling" offers troubleshooting tips for users experiencing touchpad issues on Kali Linux. It provides a step-by-step approach and discusses potential solutions. Advanced users can adjust settings in the Xorg configuration file, while less familiar users should be cautious.

  23. Kali Linux Hacking Tutorials" typically refers to instructional content or guides related to using Kali Linux for ethical hacking and cybersecurity purposes. Kali Linux is a specialized Linux distribution designed for penetration testing and security auditing. These tutorials may cover various tools, techniques, and methodologies used in ethical hacking practices, emphasizing the responsible and legal use of such skills for enhancing cybersecurity.
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  24. The guide provides a comprehensive guide to resolving touchpad issues on Kali Linux. It includes fixes for GUI settings, terminal commands, and modprobe, which can be more advanced and may not be universally reliable. The guide emphasizes the need for users to adjust the instructions based on their specific circumstances, as touchpad issues can vary depending on hardware and software configuration. Users can also check for updated drivers specific to their touchpad model, alter kernel parameters, seek community support, back up important data, check the official documentation for touchpad-related updates, and consider alternative solutions or third-party applications. However, each user's system configuration may differ, so it's advisable for users to research thoroughly, understand their changes, and ensure compatibility before implementing fixes. The guide offers a structured approach to tackle touchpad issues on Kali Linux, catering to users with varying levels of technical expertise. Abogados de Lesiones Personales en Virginia Beach

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  26. Kali Linux users have reported persistent touchpad issues, including unreliable tapping functionality and inconsistent reverse/natural scrolling behavior. Users have expressed frustration with these issues, hindering smooth navigation and impacting overall user experience. The community is actively seeking solutions or updates to address these concerns and improve touchpad performance on Kali Linux systems. As touchpad functionality is crucial for many users, addressing these issues promptly would greatly enhance the usability of the operating system.
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    The article on Kali Linux touchpad issues offers a comprehensive guide for users, providing clear and detailed solutions. It is easy to follow, accessible for both beginners and advanced users. The article includes troubleshooting tips for reverse/natural scrolling, addressing common concerns. The writer's deep understanding of touchpad configurations is demonstrated, and alternative methods are provided. The article combines technical knowledge with user-friendly language, with screenshots and visual aids. It also anticipates potential challenges for a smoother user experience.


  28. Addressing touchpad issues on Kali Linux, this review sheds light on the common concerns related to tapping, reverse/natural scrolling, and provides effective solutions. The troubleshooting steps outlined are comprehensive, making it a valuable resource for users encountering touchpad challenges. The clarity in instructions ensures that even users with limited technical expertise can navigate the fixes effortlessly. With these solutions, Kali Linux users can optimize their touchpad settings, enhancing the overall user experience. This review serves as a practical guide for resolving touchpad issues on the renowned penetration testing platform. abogado trafico arlington va

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  31. abogado dui manassas va
    This troubleshooting guide for Kali Linux users effectively addresses common touchpad issues. It provides clear, concise instructions, covering tapping, reverse/natural scrolling, and more. The guide includes screenshots and examples for better understanding. It emphasizes user experience and aligns touchpad settings with individual preferences. However, it could benefit from additional information about driver updates or compatibility issues. It also suggests optimizing touchpad settings for different laptop models or manufacturers. The guide also offers guidance on reverting changes or resetting settings in case troubleshooting fails.

  32. Kali Linux users may experience problems with the touchpad, particularly with respect to the tapping and scrolling settings. Basic touchpad functions are provided by the system, but complex capabilities like tapping and natural/reverse scrolling may need to be configured manually. Users can change configuration files or use programs such as "synclient" to tweak parameters. But when it comes to customizing the touchpad, Kali Linux can have a higher learning curve than other operating systems. Nevertheless, users can customize their touchpad experience to fit their needs with a little technical know-how, guaranteeing more seamless navigation and more usability on their Kali Linux system.
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  33. Navigating the digital realm with precision and ease often hinges on the reliability of our devices, yet touchpad issues can disrupt the seamless flow of interaction. In the realm of Kali Linux, where efficiency is paramount for cybersecurity professionals and enthusiasts alike, grappling with tapping inconsistencies and scrolling quirks can dampen productivity. Whether it's the frustration of unintended taps triggering unwanted actions or the disorientation caused by reversed scrolling directions, these touchpad woes can impede the fluidity of tasks and detract from the immersive Kali Linux experience.
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  36. Users of Kali Linux may encounter touchpad issues, including erratic tapping behavior and challenges with configuring reverse or natural scrolling. These problems can hinder user experience and productivity. While Kali Linux offers robust security features, its touchpad functionality may require adjustments for smoother operation. Users can explore troubleshooting options such as updating drivers, adjusting settings in the system preferences, or seeking community support for tailored solutions. Overcoming touchpad issues enhances usability and ensures a more seamless computing experience, aligning with Kali Linux's reputation for reliability and performance in ethical hacking and cybersecurity endeavors.
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  37. Kali Linux: Touchpad issues blog is a lifesaver for tech enthusiasts encountering touchpad glitches. With clear troubleshooting steps and expert guidance, it's a valuable resource for resolving tapping and scrolling dilemmas. Whether you're a beginner or an advanced user, this post offers practical solutions to enhance your Kali Linux experience. Dive in and bid farewell to touchpad frustrations flsa lawyer nyc

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  47. Users of Kali Linux may encounter problems with the touchpad, such as tapping that is not responsive and problems with scrolling in reverse or naturally. Even though these issues can be annoying, there are solutions available. You can try utilizing an extra mouse or changing the touchpad configuration settings. Overall, touchpad functionality can be enhanced for a more seamless experience with a few adjustments.The general law in the USA is a complex and evolving system rooted in both federal and state jurisdictions. It encompasses a wide range of legal principles, including constitutional, statutory, and case law. The system aims to balance individual rights with public order and safety. While it provides a framework for justice and legal processes, its complexity and variation across states can pose challenges. The ongoing development of laws reflects societal changes and strives to address contemporary issues, maintaining a dynamic legal landscape.
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  48. The article on Kali Linux provides a practical guide to troubleshooting common touchpad problems encountered by Kali Linux users. It addresses issues like enabling tap-to-click, adjusting scrolling direction, and configuring touchpad gestures, which can be tricky to set up in Linux environments. The guide offers clear, step-by-step solutions, making it accessible even for beginners, with commands and settings that allow users to customize their touchpad experience fully.
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  49. KaliTutorials is an online platform offering comprehensive guides and tutorials on using Kali Linux for penetration testing and cybersecurity. With step-by-step instructions and practical tips, it’s a valuable resource for both beginners and experienced users looking to enhance their skills in ethical hacking Traffic Lawyer Lexington VA

  50. The review on Kali Linux: Touchpad Issues – Tapping, Reverse/Natural Scrolling provides a thorough analysis of common touchpad problems users may encounter when running Kali Linux, particularly around tapping functionality and the scrolling behavior. It offers practical troubleshooting steps for resolving tapping issues, where the touchpad may fail to register a tap or double-tap. Additionally, it addresses the frustration of reverse or natural scrolling, providing clear guidance on how to adjust settings to restore a more intuitive user experience.
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  51. The review on Kali Linux: Touchpad Issues – Tapping, Reverse/Natural Scrolling offers a comprehensive examination of typical touchpad issues that users may run into when using Kali Linux, with a focus on the scrolling behavior and tapping capability. What Does Violate Mean Sexually. It provides helpful troubleshooting instructions for fixing tapping problems, such as when the touchpad doesn't recognize a tap or double-tap. It also tackles the annoyance of natural or backward scrolling, offering precise instructions on how to modify settings to bring back a more user-friendly interface.

  52. Touchpad tapping issues on Kali Linux can be resolved by ensuring touchpad support is recognized by running `xinput list` in the terminal. Enabling tapping in the Touchpad Settings can be done by opening a terminal and typing `bash`. If the file doesn't exist, create it and add the following lines: Section "InputClass"
    Identifier "libinput touchpad catchall"
    MatchIsTouchpad "on"
    Driver "libinput"
    Option "Tapping" "on"
    EndSection Save and reboot the system. If using GNOME, ensure "Tap to Click" is enabled in the Settings > Devices > Mouse & Touchpad section. To enable tapping temporarily, run `xinput set-prop "your-touchpad-name" "libinput Tapping Enabled" 1 and replace "your-touchpad-name" with the exact name from `xinput list'. Install required packages if necessary drivers are missing, and restart the system. If the issue persists, check for compatibility problems specific to your hardware model or update BIOS/firmware. For further help, visit the Kali Linux Forums.Failure to Appear VA Code Failure to Appear Court VA

  53. To troubleshoot Kali Linux's touchpad tapping feature, use the `modprobe` commands to load the kernel module for the touchpad. Configure the psmouse with options psmouse proto=imps and save. Use the `synclient` command to enable tapping and change scroll direction. Restart your computer to verify the changes.You find both in Mr. Sris. There are very few lawyers who have the legal background and the technological background as Mr. Sris. Don’t take our word for it Look around.

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  56. Kali Linux touchpad issues, such as problems with tapping or configuring reverse or natural scrolling, can affect usability and navigation. These common touchpad-related challenges often require adjustments in system settings or driver configurations to ensure smooth performance. grounds for emergency custody in md refer to specific situations where a court may grant immediate custody to a parent or guardian to ensure the safety and well-being of a child. These situations typically involve instances of abuse, neglect, domestic violence, substance abuse, or other urgent circumstances that pose a threat to the child’s health or safety.

  57. To troubleshoot issues with Kali Linux's touchpad, check the "Mouse & Touchpad" configuration, verify the correct controller (libinput or synaptics), and manually change the configuration file in '/etc/X11/xorg.conf.d/40-libinput.conf'. This will ensure the touchpad is recognized correctly and the "InputClass" identifier "touchpad" MatchIsTouchpad is added.They not only represent clients in court but also help with contracts, negotiations, and legal advice, often preventing legal issues before they arise.virginia protective order

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